We had our typical classy set up! We did get to set up beside Bullet BBQ which is an excellent team out of Port Coquitlam who made some excellent chicken wings!
For cookers we used the WSM and kettle as well as Pauls Smokey Joe. We also picked up a Napolean Charcoal grill piece of garbage) from a fellow in North Vancouver for $20 so we had it at the event! 
Paul brought a couple of brisket from Calgary, we rubbed it up nice and early with the coffee and cocoa rub again. We dud one on the kettle and one on the WSM, we ended up turning in the WSM one.
When you see this picture of our pork shoulder you will assume we got last place in that category. Basically the shoulder we picked up from Costco was a bunch of boneless small pieces. So not sure what to do we rubbed them all individually and stuffed 40 pounds of it into the WSM, the picture is pretty classic.
For the pot luck Jo made mushroom caps stuffed with escargot and topped with herbs and parmesan cheese. They went quick!

Next was our brisket box, the garnish is awful and it looks dry but it did taste good, we managed 15th in Brisket, with the flavor we actually did expect a higher finish.Now it was time for our chicken turn in, not going to lie we thought we finally did better. Looking at the box now there were way too many greens but obviously the flavor and everything else was off as well as we finished 22nd.
Our final turn in of the day was ribs, we were confident with this turn in but the good old judges disagreed! We finished 14th which was actually our best rib showing of the year. The box could use a couple more ribs and less greens for sure!

Time to update 2010! Just found this, enjoyed reading it!